Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Sherrilyn Kenyon Signing

I've been tweeting about this most of the day, which is rather pathetic, but I'm totally excited about going to see Sherrilyn Kenyon at BAM tonight for a book signing in Tampa. I missed her last year when she was in Orlando to sign for Acheron due to just coming back from RI (I'm originally from there) and having a tropical storm rolling through the area. I didn't want to drive 2 hours in the pouring rain while still exhausted from my flight. I knew she'd be this way again sometime so I let it go.

Tonight, hubby will be coming with me to the signing. He's never read one of SK's books even though I tell him he would like them and perhaps get some interesting ideas *winkwink*. He loves reading about vampires so SK's DH series would be a great fit for him, plus it's a new take on something that's been done a million times before.

I will be posting pictures of the event. I'm hoping to get a picture with SK, but I'll take one with just me standing there while she signs. She is one of my must read authors no matter the pen-name she uses. She is also an inspiration for me as a writer. I love the humor she uses in her books and her writing style. I'm usually up late devouring her books and can read them in about a day or so.

This will be a great night for me no matter if I come home with really sore feet and back from standing in a long line waiting to see SK.

Now, I must ask everyone out there, what authors would you drive for 2 hours to see because you just love their books so much?

CONTEST: Leave a comment and I'll give away A Darker Dream by Amanda Ashley (another one of my favs!). I'll choose a winner randomly on May 15th. Please make sure your email address is included in your comment. (This is a contest only for the US, sorry international followers!)


  1. I'd drive for... Mary Higgins clark, Lisa McMann, The Kellerman's, Mary Jane Clark, Kelley Armstrong, Laura Levine, Mary Daheim.. the list could get a bit looonnnggg... LOL.

  2. Hi Sarah, welcome to book blogging. I'd like to enter the comp but I live in Australia. Is it open to International?

    alaineb at bigpond. net .au

  3. Author signings can be fun!

    I would drive 2 hours hands down to see Diana Gabaldon. To have one of the Outlander books signed by her would be awesome!!!!

    I would love to read one of your fav books. Please enter me into your giveaway.


  4. Hi Sarah!

    Picked up your blog @ bookbloggers. I'm new to bookbloggers too. I love author signings, but I live in a small rural community and they are very few! I would drive to get Stephenie Meyers, Jocelynn Drake, LKH, MJD, Kim Harrison...just to name a few!

    Please enter me in your giveaway!

    Dottie :)
